Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dragon Boat Competition at Anchorvale 09/03/2008

Cheerleading Squad No 1: Sec 4 ODACians

Cheerleading Squad No 2 : Meryl, Kyle and their granddad

The 14 strong team from Pei Hwa Odac gathered at the new Anchorvale Community Club at 8.30am to prepare for the Dragon Boat Competition. They were the 'babies' as they were competing against all adults from RCs( resident committee), CSC (Sports Club), HongKong Club and last but not least, the most formidable team of the day.....The Civil Defence!!! (Forgot to take pictures of those muscular guys....drool!!)

The morning started off sunny and we were all in an upbeat mood waiting for the fun to begin. We waited...and waited and waited...until....

we got bored and started playing with our handphones and rubrik cubes.

Look! Mr Chng is standing here wondering what is going to happen next!

Finally at 9.30 am, the Odacians started to do their warming up. By then they had all seen their competitors and eyes were rolling and heads shaking. Who wouldn't be when you look at the thick biceps and triceps of the Civil Defence Team??? :0) (sigh...should have taken a picture of the Civil Defence Team *slap forehead*)

Nonetheless, we compete not only for the sole purpose of winning but its in the spirit of fun and adding more new experiences to our lives. The important thing was that WE WERE THERE and we had a chance to rub shoulders with many others that we otherwise would not have a chance to. Our life is richer because of it. ( and we have pictures to prove it!!! and hey we even saw PM Lee Hsien Loong up close and personal! )

True enough, we didn't make it to the finals but its OK. We are young and there's always NEXT TIME! And next time, we will do BETTER!!

We had our box lunch at about 11 and then waited to receive our Medals of Appreciation.(see video below)

Look at our bright and shiny medals!!! Our reward for a morning well-spent!


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